Home > SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) exam
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) exam
Unveiling the Secrets of the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and Maximising Your University Admission Chances
18 April, by hurtado claudio
By Claudio Hurtado & TEAM gmatchile.cl SAT QUANT tutoring +56 937780070
The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a widely used standardized exam in the United States for university admissions. It assesses skills in reading, writing, and mathematics essential for academic success. Proper preparation is crucial, and there are study resources and courses available. Achieving a good score on the SAT can influence scholarships and study opportunities. It’s also important to understand the differences between the SAT and English exams like IELTS and TOEFL. In this article, we’ll explore all these aspects and more in detail.
Transitioning from SAT’s Official Practice to SAT’s Official Digital Preparation on Khan Academy
18 April, by hurtado claudio
By Claudio Hurtado & TEAM gmatchile.cl SAT QUANT tutoring +56 937780070
The SAT is evolving to better meet the needs of students and educators in our digital age. This means that for students in the US, the final administration of the traditional paper-and-pencil SAT will be in December 2023, and all students will transition to the Digital SAT starting in 2024. This shift to digital will result in a shorter test duration (2 hours instead of 3 hours) and faster result delivery. Khan Academy continues its partnership with the College Board to support students in preparing for the digital SAT and is updating its SAT preparation experience accordingly.
Clases y cursos SAT con Claudio Hurtado: Clases en línea y a domicilio.
16 de septiembre de 2023, por hurtado claudio
Clases particulares: Claudio Hurtado ofrece clases individuales para aquellos estudiantes que prefieren una atención personalizada y adaptada a sus necesidades específicas.
Clases online por webcam: A través de la modalidad de clases en línea, los estudiantes pueden acceder a las lecciones de Claudio Hurtado desde la comodidad de su hogar.
SAT Exam, Entrance to American Universities: A Guide for Indian Students
24 August 2023, by hurtado claudio
SAT Exam, Entrance to American Universities: A Guide for Indian Students
The SAT exam is a crucial step for Indian students seeking admission to American universities. This article provides a comprehensive guide on understanding the exam, including its sections, scoring, and the importance of achieving high scores. It also covers effective study strategies, SAT exam content, and application processes for international students. With valuable information on post-study opportunities, (…)